Tuesday, November 29, 2011


 Of all the things that could be
What it is, is only what it is
Endless possibilities becoming
 One history with no stopping
Things in the right place
  Precise, coherent, and perfect
For the melodrama to unfold,
   Epic, exotic, and ultimate

Majestic invariant tunes 
For the ever new orchestra 
With all honesty admit I've to
  It's way too surreal, way too. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Beautiful Mind

Sharp, Gentle sense of Humor,
 Only a brilliant mind can possess

Work of art precise yet graceful,
   Peak of mind that is resourceful 

You're not with us anymore,
   Yet, your work saves our labor

A beautiful mind you're,
   Rest in Peace, Sir. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Creator and Created

Created for and as indulgence
  Serving eternal instincts
Lived beyond original impulse
Improves and betters

Means of victory progeny is
Cheating the inevitability
The goal shall be pursued
Baton passed on

Created surely surpasses 
Creator and Created on the Arena
Harmony? or Hegemony?
The course of Karma ensues

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Inspired by and as a tribute to Russell

Absolute and Independent
Beauty and truth realized
An Existence of abstractness
Above ideas, above desires

Peace of mind beautiful and lasting
An utter calmness prevailing
An experience to live and die for
A sweet reality forever after 

Weakness too has weaknesses
Limitation too has limitations
Austere and sublime it surely is
The Sense of Being more than Man 


After a break of few months, I'm posting again. When I started this blog, I thought, I would be able to write at least one poem per week. As I realize now, at best I can write one poem per month.  Will try to be more regular from now on. Hope you are enjoying this blog. 

Thank you 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Has to be so, for it is so real
  Vindicated and is aptly beautiful.
Coherent, consistent and elegant
  Harmony of elements extravagant.

Can't stop wondering if it is staged
  The ray falls where the eye is placed.
How so such order from randomness
  An eternal direction toward coldness.

An orchestra of composable elements
  Unfolds to the majestic invariant tunes.
Emerged new Being is surely coherent
  New tune synthesized -cycle permanent. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Hero

You got cursed again and again
 In truest sense, they went in vain.
Killed you blessed by sages and gods
 Though his methods and goals at odds.

 Someone else's thumb you didn't need
   Only thing you knew was to give indeed.
 You had a shield that meant to protect
   That you gave to someone with a pretext.

Your teacher was sleeping on your lap
  Suffered the insect biting, saved his nap.
He woke up and gave something in return
   A cruel curse that you will forget the lesson.

In the name of Dharma they fought the war
 You had a word to keep and a trust to fight for.
They changed their ways and won the crown
  Generosity had gained synonym of the noun.